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This final collection of writing from Doctor Arthur Robbins offers readers an opportunity to explore working with different levels of consciousness therapeutically over a very challenging pandemic. For those readers who do not know Art Robbins, his clinical work spanned over 60+ years as a licensed psychologist and certified psychoanalyst as well as a pioneer in the field of art therapy since his passing in 2022.


Dr Robbins composed these essays as a response to the various presentations created in group supervision over the pandemic. This material has been generously made available for free to the public for educational purposes. The reader should be prepared to go back and forth from an experiential body orientation to a more reflective cognitive perspective while reading. More about this concept will be shared as you read. Additional educational video resources are available on Vimeo and audio podcast available on Spotify. 



Special thanks to Amy Barr, Amelia Milne and Jon Ehinger

109-Robbins Artwork
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063-Robbins Artwork
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061-Robbins Artwork
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056-Robbins Artwork
055-Robbins Artwork
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049-Robbins Artwork
047-Robbins Artwork
044-Robbins Artwork
041-Robbins Artwork
038-Robbins Artwork
040-Robbins Artwork
039-Robbins Artwork
037-Robbins Artwork
036-Robbins Artwork
032-Robbins Artwork
031-Robbins Artwork
029-Robbins Artwork
028-Robbins Artwork
026-Robbins Artwork
027-Robbins Artwork
024-Robbins Artwork
025-Robbins Artwork
023-Robbins Artwork
020-Robbins Artwork
019-Robbins Artwork
018-Robbins Artwork
016-Robbins Artwork
014-Robbins Artwork
015-Robbins Artwork
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011-Robbins Artwork
010-Robbins Artwork
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Dr Robbins created many of these original artworks over the pandemic that he wanted to accompany the writing for visual reference and may be available to own with a charitable donation email inquiries. 


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